Putting Calls On Hold and Retrieving Them

  1. To put a call on hold, click the Hold button or use a shortcut key.

  2. To retrieve the call, click the Retrieve button.

Several calls can be on hold simultaneously. Retrieve them by clicking the call on the contact list and then click the Retrieve button.

Although you have calls on hold, you can still make new calls and answer both queue calls and waiting calls. When you answer a waiting call and you have an active call that call is put on hold automatically. And when you retrieve a held call, any active call is simultaneously put on hold.

You can configure your CDT settings so that you are not able to disconnect calls when they are on hold. You can also define the settings so that CDT puts a transferred call on hold automatically. For more information, see Configuring General Phone Settings.

Note the following about held calls and conference and consultation calls:

  • You cannot retrieve a held call during a consultation call.

  • Several calls cannot be on hold simultaneously during a call conference.

  • You can put one or more conference calls on hold (mute them). A muted conference call has a different kind of tone than other held calls. The call type icon in your call list is also different.