Checking Installation


Use this procedure to check that installed items have been advanced to all HAC nodes of the installed system.

Perform the procedure on all HAC nodes separately. Alternatively, you can do that on the HAC Nodes level and check all nodes simultaneously. In that case, each node's results are opened in a separate window.


Checking Installed Files

  1. Right-click the HAC node and choose Check Installed Files (Differences).

  2. The installed files on a node are compared to the files in base installation. One of the following messages appears:

    • Installation Check OK: All files of the base installation have been properly advanced to the node, and no differences are found.

    • Files on host <host name> differ from Base Installation: one of the two errors has taken place:

      • Differences are found between installed files and base installation. The differences are listed per each virtual unit instance so that files are shown in the same cell on each other. Files may have differences in File Version, Product Version, Date or Size, or some of the files may be missing.

        To correct the situation, right-click the virtual unit, choose Software > Upgrade All Software on the HAC node's level .

      • The base installation is not found. In the error window, only the found file is displayed, there is no line for base installation, and cells are displayed gray. To correct the situation, make sure that Install Media path is properly defined and includes entire software, and when installing hotfixes, make sure that hotfixes are first added to right base installation.

Listing All Installed Files

If a list of all installed Sinch Contact Pro files on a HAC node is required, perform the following procedure:

  1. Right-click the HAC node and choose Check Installed Files (All).

  2. The installed files on a node are displayed in a window.

    If differences are found between installed files and Base Installation, the message Files on host <host name> differ from Base Installation appears, and files with differences are displayed with red color. Errors and remedies are as above.