Installing HAC Nodes


High Availability Controller (HAC) service communicates via HAC nodes on different servers to control and manage system services on those servers.

  • Define one HAC node for each physical server where the system is run.

  • Each HAC node can belong to one system model only, and the model must contain all HAC nodes.

  • Each HAC node should have the physical IP address of the server it is located on.

  • Each HAC node must have a unique name.


IA has been installed on the server.

There is a Windows user defined that can be given the Administrator rights.


Carry out the following steps locally on the system servers:

  1. Right-click HAC Nodes on the model tree and choose Add HAC Node.

    • Enter the HAC node name using characters A to Z, numbers, and underscore (_), do not use space.

    • Enter the IP address.

    • Enter the server port number. The default value is 21012

    • Enter the administration port number. The default value is 21014

  2. Choose OK.

    If some of the mandatory information is missing, you can choose Force to create the node, but we do not recommend using this option.

  3. Right-click the node in the model tree and choose Set as Local HAC Node.

  4. Right-click the node in the model tree and choose Change Base Installation, and choose the software version from the list.

  5. Define the Deployment Variables for HAC node in the Element Properties pane

  6. Right-click the node (now displayed with the bold text) in the model tree and choose Apply All Changes to Local System.

  7. Save the model either on the memory stick or a server share, and open it on the next server for creating the new node.

Creating Mock Nodes

We do not recommend installing HAC software on demilitarized zone (DMZ), or for example on the database server where there are several databases of different versions. Create a so-called mock node instead without HAC software. Proceed like in the procedure above but do not deploy the software (do not perform step 4).


Creating a HAC node, making it local and defining a base installation for it, creates a virtual unit and installs the HAC software in it. Applying changes activates the node and enables communications between other nodes of the system.

More Information

See Nodes for more information about node-related functions.

See Element Properties for more information about information blocks on the Details Pane.