Element Properties: Process Monitor

The process monitor settings depend on the monitor type you have selected in the System Component lnterface block.

Windows Process monitor settings:

Full path to the executable: Displays the full path for the executable file searched from the process list.

Command Line Parameters: Enter command line parameters in the space-delimited format.

Monitor HAC Health Events:

Monitor HAC Status Events:

Windows Service monitor settings:

Service name: Displays the full path for the executable file searched from the process list.

Command Line Parameters: Enter command line parameters in the space-delimited format.

Monitor HAC Health Events:

Monitor HAC Status Events:

Shell Controller monitor settings:

Command Line Parameters: Enter command line parameters in the space-delimited format.

Monitor HAC Health Events:

Monitor HAC Status Events:

HTTP Server monitor settings:

URL: Displays the URL provided bythe system model

Command Line Parameters: Enter command line parameters in the space-delimited format.

Monitor HAC Health Events:

Monitor HAC Status Events: