Element Properties: Advanced

Some element properties are displayed and controlled in the Advanced block. Typically these properties do not need any adjustments in normal use, but these properties can be useful when properly used.

  • Dependencies: Elements may be given explicit dependencies on other elements. An element that depends on other elements, cannot be activated before the antecedent elements are all active first. Loops in dependency chain are prevented to avoid deadlocks. Dependencies can effectively be used for example to force a predefined activation sequence on a series of elements.

    • Force restart if antecedent is suddenly inactivated: Choose this option to force restart.

  • Health Alarms: Health indicates the runtime health of the system element. Healthy system components are running and functioning as expected, and they can be controlled when necessary.

    For example, if an active web server successfully responds to HAC's monitoring, the element representing the web site can be considered to have normal health. If the web server suddenly starts producing errors in its responses, the element is set to the failed health.

    • Alarm on Failure: Define the severity of the alarm generated when the element is failed. The default value is Major of No Alarm, Notification, Minor, Major, or Critical.

    • Alarm on Near Failure: Choose the alarm type that is raised when the element is about to or may fail soon if no actions are taken. The default value is Minor of No Alarm, Notification, Minor, Major, or Critical.