Using Domain Account
We recommend using the domain account with appropriate rights, and installation of the software packages with the default setting demands it. The use of domain account is absolutely required if the system needs to have access rights over the network, for example when the system uses a shared directory for the prompt files.
The required rights are:
Domain user rights for the account.
Local administrator rights for this account in every server where Sinch Contact Pro system is installed.
Define the domain account.
Use this domain account as a (Windows related) user when installing software packages with the IA tool.
Use this domain account as HAC Service Logon User Account, see Creating HAC Nodes and Starting HAC Services.
You can use this account as a Windows User Account for Running Web-Related Processes when installing Web Server package.
If you prefer defining another user for web-related processes, see the list of minimum requirements below.
Minimum Requirements for Web Server User Account
The user must have (either directly or through a group membership) been granted the following user rights:
Access this computer from the network
Adjust memory quotas for a process
Bypass traverse checking
Impersonate a client after authentication
Log on as a batch job
Replace a process level token
The user must have read & execute permissions (either directly or through group membership) to the \bin and \web folders
The user must have (either directly or through group membership) the following permissions to the \logs folder
List folder contents
The user must have (either directly or through group membership) read permission to registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Wicom\[virtual unit name] in 64-bit servers and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wicom\[virtual unit name] in 32-bit servers
List folder contents