Change Queue Assignments

You can change the queue assignments of agents in the Agents view to make sure that the queues with many queuing conversations have enough serving agents.

To change the queue settings of a single agent, see Change Settings of One Agent.

  1. Define your search criteria in the Agents header view and select Queues.

    Agents and their queues are displayed.

  2. Choose the agent and queue and make your changes.
    Depending on the current queue status and queue type, you have the following options available:
    Icon Description

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged out of the associated queue
    • has a profile with queue group when logged out and will apply upon log in to Communication Panel

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • will be logged in to the associated queue when a profile with queue group is deselected
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged out of the associated queue
    • is not able to change the queue status

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged out of the associated queue
    • can serve as an external agent

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • will be logged in to the associated queue when a profile with queue group is deselected
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user
    • is not able to change the queue status

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • will be logged in to the associated queue when a profile with queue group is deselected
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user
    • can serve as an external agent

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged in to the associated queue
    • is logged in to the associated queue via a profile with queue group

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged in to the associated queue
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged in to the associated queue
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user
    • is not able to change the queue status

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged in to the associated queue
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user
    • is serving as an external agent

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged in to the associated queue
    • is logged in to the associated queue via a profile with queue group
    • is not able to change the queue status

    • is signed in to Communication Panel
    • is logged in to the associated queue
    • is logged in to the associated queue via a profile with queue group
    • is serving as an external agent

    • is signed out from Communication Panel
    • is logged out of the associated queue
    • has a profile with queue group when logged out and will apply upon log in to Communication Panel

    • is signed out from Communication Panel
    • will be logged in to the associated queue upon sign in to Communication Panel
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user

    • is signed out from Communication Panel
    • will be logged in to the associated queue upon sign in to Communication Panel
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user
    • is not able to change the queue status

    • is signed out from Communication Panel
    • will be logged in to the associated queue upon sign in to Communication Panel
    • has been logged in to the associated queue by agent from Communication Panel or by a Dashboard user
    • can serve as an external agent

    • is signed out from Communication Panel
    • has a profile with queue group when logged out and will apply upon log in to Communication Panel
    • is not able to change the queue status

    • is signed out from Communication Panel
    • has a profile with queue group when logged out and will apply upon log in to Communication Panel
    • can serve as an external agent