Search for Agents

You can filter the agent-related information in several ways.

By default, the view shows all the agents you have rights to see. In the Agents header view, enter your search criteria: agent name, agent availability, queues or all of them. The Queue search field also contains queue groups.

The view shows the information of the current day. The In/Out columns show real-time data. For calls and chats, it's all handled conversations during that day including active conversations. For emails, it's the ones that are marked as handled.
Column Description
Agent Agent's name
Clicking the name gives you the options to:
  • View details such as the agent's conversation statistics.
  • Launch an agent guidance session in Communication Panel.
Availability Agent Status
Chats in Process

The number of the agent's ongoing chat conversations

The second number shows the allowed maximum number of chats.
example: If the column shows 1/3, this means the agent has one ongoing chat and can take two more.
Calls in Process The number of the agent's ongoing calls (0 or 1)
Emails in Process The number of the agent's ongoing email conversations
Profile Agent's current presence profile such as Available
Number Agent's extension number
Mobile Number Agent's mobile phone number
Location If the location setting has been defined in System Configurator > User and Role Management > Users > Basics, it's shown here.
Chat Name The name shown in chat conversations
Chat Address Agent's chat address
Email Address Agent's email address
Conversations (In/Out) The total number of conversations (both active and handled)
Calls (In/Out) The number of answered and active calls
Chats (In/Out) The number of answered and active chats
Emails (In/Out) The number of handled emails
Average Handling Time The average time the agent has spent handling conversations
Wrap-Up Cumulative summary of the time periods when the agent has had the Wrap-Up status
Ready Cumulative summary of the time periods when the agent has had the Ready status
Not Ready Cumulative summary of the time periods when the agent has had the Not Ready status
Paused Cumulative summary of the time periods when the agent has had an absence profile (indicated with the red triangle icon) such as Meeting
Status Duration Duration of the current user status: Ready, Not Ready, Pause, or Logged Out
Profile Duration Duration of the current profile such as Available

You define how often the data is updated in Settings > Data Refresh Intervals (Seconds) > Agents View.

To hide information on the agents table, use the quick filters:

  • Agent Information shows, for example, the agent's presence profile, phone number and email address.

  • Today's Statistics shows statistics of conversations and presence status since start of day.

  • Queues show all the queues you have rights to see.