
The following changes and improvements have been made in Dashboard.

Home View as Tabbed Views

Home view is now enhanced to offer a tabbed experience where the user can extend and simplify their chart layout over several tabs. The user can create and name up to 10 tabs, select charts, and customize the layout for each tab by moving and resizing the charts.

Numerical Statistics in Home View

A numerical option for showing statistics has been added to the Home view. Numerical statistics are shown as key figures in a large font, making them especially useful when shown in the wallboard view. Statistics can still be shown as charts, like before. The user can select for each statistic if it should be shown as a chart or numerical. This means that the same tab can include statistics of both types at the same time. Switching between the two types is also possible. In this case, all statistics on the tab will be shown as either charts or numericals. For tabs with a mix of charts and numericals, the original state can be returned with the middle button .

To further improve statistics for wallboard use, the tabs in the Home view can be set in carousel mode, where they will be cycled automatically according to configuration done in the new Tab Settings popup.

Queue Serving Status Chart Layout

The table layout and performance of the Queue Serving Status chart has been improved.

Data Loading Limits

The amount of loaded results can now be set for Agent, Conversations, and Campaign Details views in Settings.

The Load More button is now permanently visible in Agent, Conversations, and Campaigns views.

The number of loaded results is now preserved when:

  • Opening and closing the Agent Details or Conversation Details view

  • Sorting a table

Original ID of Transferred Chats

Conversation Details > State 1 of the new chat to queue event shows also the original chat ID for transferred chats.

Chat Transferred Event

The Conversation Details table now shows an event when a chat is transferred.

SMS Messaging View

A new SMS Messaging view has been added to Dashboard. Users with rights to SMS queues can use it for sending SMS messages either as a broadcast to a larger audience or to a single recipient.

Users of the Disruptions view can move to the SMS Messaging view with details of the disruption included in the message draft.

For more information, see the Dashboard document.

Note: This feature is released in 23Q2 as beta ​for collecting feedback. Please provide your feedback by creating a support ticket.

Campaigns as Tabbed View and Additional Columns

The Campaigns view has been renamed as Campaign Statistics and changed to a tabbed view to also show statistics about agents. The tabs are:

  • Campaign Statistics: Shows the overall performance of the campaigns you have rights to

  • Agent Statistics: Is for supervisors to view their agents' performance for a specific campaign

    You can only see this tab if:
    • you can supervise agents
    • your user settings template in System Configurator has Enable Supervisor Elements and Actions selected
  • My Statistics: Is for the agent using Dashboard to view their performance across campaigns they have participated in

New columns have been added to the table in the Campaign Statistics view:

  • Callable / Remaining: Shows ratio between customers that can be called now / total number of customers remaining to be called

  • Hang-Ups:

    • when dialing mode is Preview or Progressive, the number of calls where the agent has classified the call as Hang-Up

    • when dialing mode is Predictive, the number of calls that arrived to the queue but were then hung up by the customer before the defined abandon timeout.

  • Hang-Up Rate: Percentage of handled calls where the customer hung up the call

  • Success: The number of calls where the agent has classified the call as Success

  • Called Success Rate: Percentage of handled calls where the agent has classified the call as Success

  • Called Refusal Rate: Percentage of handled calls where the agent has classified the call as Refusal

  • Talking Time Cumul.: Cumulative talking time of all agents per campaign. For Predictive campaigns, this includes any time where prompts messages were played for a queuing customer.

  • Calls Made and Talking Time Avg: Both show statistics for the current day and total for the campaign.

The stacked bar chart in the Campaign Progress column has been improved. Classifications of handled calls are now shown in different shades of green.

Additional Information to Campaign Details

Campaign Details:
  • The Customers tab is now called All Called Customers and includes a new Agent column that shows the name of the agent that made the campaign call. Users can see the agent names if they have rights to view the agents. Calls can now be filtered from the date filter.

  • A new tab, My Called Customers, has been added to display only the campaign calls of the Dashboard user.

  • Increase Ratio (%) and Abandoned Ratio (%) have been added to the Campaign Details view header for active predictive campaigns.

Campaign Filtering

Improvements have been made to the Campaign Details view:

  • The view has been optimized so the loaded data is now filtered quicker.

  • The All Called Customers tab was renamed as All Customers.

  • All Customers and My Called Customers views now open with the date filter applied for the current day.

  • All Customers and My Called Customers can now be filtered based on the Time column by appling a start and end time filter.

  • To view the Campaign Details tab, the user now needs to have the Statistics summary right for the campaign.

Improvements have been made to filtering the Campaign Statistics table. Filtering criteria is optimized to ensure that 100 valid results are shown.

Subject of Transferred Emails

Subject of an email is now shown for transferred emails when the conversation details of the email are searched in the next day.