Corrected Defects

This section lists issues reported by customers and found during system testing.

Fixed defects related to customer reported incidents are marked with the support ID. If you have encountered an issue in your system and have created an incident, you can use that number to find the issue description in this document.

Communication Panel

Call issues

If transfer failed from agent A to agent B because agent B didn't answer, the call ended. Now the call is returned to the original queue agent A set as preferred agent.

An agent having a presence profile with the default behavior of Busy was not able to answer a returning call that was transferred but rejected by the receiving agent. ID: SCC-7050

A headset device using Human Interface Devices (HID) actions like accept, hold, or unhold was unintentionally affecting the selected conversation in view without checking the conversation type or status first. This may have also caused issues, such as error 405, because the system tried to accept an already accepted conversation. Logic is now applied to using HID actions for a conversation. ID: SCC-7642

Certain Jabra devices continued ringing after the agent had declined a conversation offering. A command has now been added to ensure that the Jabra device stops ringing when the agent clicks the Decline button.

Supervisor was unable to start an agent guidance session if the guided agent had an ongoing call and the agent's Maximum Number of Waiting Calls was set to zero in System Configurator. ID: SCC-8512

Due to a timing issue, Communication Panel played a ringtone, although the customer had disconnected the call before it was allocated to the agent. ID: SCC-6573, SCC-4930, SCC-5244, SCC-5895

Due to timing events, the call ringing tone played without an offered call. An additional symptom was that the ringtone played during conversation handling without indication where it was coming from.

An agent who received a direct call during an ongoing call heard ringtone which could not be stopped without ending the first call.

If the agent was using a simultaneous ring mode (SRM) device for a monitored call, the supervisor giving agent guidance couldn't start a call based agent guidance action.

Call could be lost when it was offered to an agent working in Simultaneous Ring Mode (SRM) mode if the previous call to the agent was ended by the caller before it was answered. ID: 265617 (2022)

During a very specific time window, it was possible CallDispatcher deactivated some of the system's routing destinations. Calls based on the deactivated routings were then prevented from connecting to Sinch Contact Pro.

If an agent classified a campaign call as instant redial and logged out of the campaign while in wrap-up, they were offered the call but Communication Panel became unresponsive. The agent is now kept in the campaign until completing the instant redial call and logged out only after this.

Somewhere between Firefox versions 117.0.1 and 118.0.1 Communication Panel failed to resolve the default audio devices, which caused the Accept button to be disabled when a call was offered.

In rare situations, calls were briefly offered to an agent before being withdrawn and giving the agent an error message. This happened due to a timing error for ringtone.

It was possible for incoming calls that were initially handled by an IVR to be put immediately on hold as soon as the call got connected.

The Call Attempts Made field used in campaigns included zero in its count.

The wrap-up timer may not have shown correctly after ending a conference call.

When downloading a call recording, the date in the filename showed the wrong month.

Communication Panel sent duplicate SIP events unnecessarily. This may have caused issues with call handling.

Chat issues

The chat input box and related Send button occasionally became unavailable for use. The code is now improved so UI events are refreshed every time the view has been rendered.

If Communication Panel had a large number of extension area buttons and the Communication Panel window was made too small to show them all, a grey box showed up under the chat input field.

Occasionally, due to a timing issue, Communication Panel proposed using a WhatsApp message template even though the 24-hour temporary opt-in (WhatsApp calls this a customer service window) was still open.

Occasionally, when an agent sent a WhatsApp message to a customer using a template, the template was shown again in the chat window giving the impression it was sent twice. ID: SCC-9001

If a chat was left open during the change of day, the chat transcript did not show the date change clearly. Communication Panel now adds a line to separate the previous day from the next. ID: SCC-7347

Communication Panel failed to load conversation history.

The Previous Conversations list of a chat was incorrectly displaying all conversations of a customer from all queues. The filter is now optimized to search only the customer's conversations from the queue in question.

Sometimes agents were not able to pick a chat from the picklist.

In case of Wavy carrier and chat starting with media, the first message was not delivered to Communication Panel agent. ID: SCC-11735

Email issues

Emails may have been offered in the wrong order due to Communication Event Manager (CEM) using an incorrect priority for forwarded/transferred emails in some scenarios.

Occasionally, active emails in the Conversation view disappeared after a reload.

User was unable to save a script for an email conversation picked from a pending state.

Scripting added did not load for an email that was put to a pending state and then picked from the pending state by another agent.

Occasionally, an agent couldn't interact with an email conversation because it appeared to be stuck in the Conversation view or it was not shown at all. This has been fixed by improving the code used when handling the address name in Communication Panel. ID: SCC-7465

Occasionally, the system didn't close an email correctly, causing it to be stuck in view. Only a reload helped.

If a user was editing several emails that contained inline images, removing an inline image from one email could have removed inline images from the other emails too.

In certain circumstances, agents could not use their available email addresses in the From field. This happened due to synchronization issues and the logic used for queue serving statuses, which allowed or restricted email address use. This logic has now been moved to Communication Panel. Email addresses are only restricted if the agent has a queue serving status of Not Serving and has been assigned forced queues. ID: SCC-7387

Occasionally, when an agent marked one email of several as pending, Communication Panel didn't handle the status change correctly. This caused the email to be shown incorrectly in both the active and pending lists and to be shown twice in the work area.

Open conversations were not always moved to the pending list after agent logout. Email was seen as active and on the pending list when an agent picked an email that was moved to the pending list due to agent logout.

Occasionally an email attachment added by the agent was showing as Pending instead of Added. ID: SCC-7953

A recipient of a reply or forwarded email with attachments did not always receive all the attachments if using Microsoft Outlook due to incorrect use of Content IDs (CID).

Communication Panel's email editor incorrectly moved the focus to the end of the email message when using a reply template for a new email. ID: SCC-7664

When an email was opened for editing and the cursor was repositioned to insert a reply template, the cursor refocused to the top of the email when adding the template. ID: SCC-9215

Sometimes users could not print email conversations because they got the "Printing request failed. Try again" message. ID: SCC-9225

The To, Cc, and Bcc fields were not cleared after the agent clicked the Forward button. ID: SCC-9594

Conversation Attached Data (CAD) added to an active email conversation (including an XRI task) and stored as a JSON string may have failed to be shown in Communication Panel.

Saving an email as PDF could occasionally be missing its content.

When an agent was creating a new email and another email was being offered to the agent, the buttons for Accept and Decline were disabled.

Communication Panel could end up in a state where the agent could no longer accept or reject an incoming email they had been viewing.

When a user switched from the email editing view to another view for a period of time and then returned, the email editor was blank. Opening a PDF of the edited email showed the edited text was not lost. Also saving the blank email to the Pending state and reopening it showed the missing edit. ID: SCC-9730

Rarely, when trying to create a new outbound email, the email body section of the view was shown as blank and not editable.

Updating a draft email may have caused unnecessary warnings in the Communication Panel log. Only relevant messages are now included in the log.

Agents were not able to reply to previously handled outbound emails. The buttons for replying were missing.

Callback issues

If a callback request was open in the user's Communication Panel while it was marked as handled elsewhere, the request could no longer be closed in Communication Panel. The user can now close the request and gets a supporting toast message ("The callback has already been handled") informing of such a situation beforehand.

A newly created callback request was incorrectly shown in the agent's conversation list as a pending conversation. This has been fixed so that callback requests created by the agent aren't shown. ID: SCC-8074

Quickly processed and ended callback triggered another callback to the customer.

Connection issues

Communication Panel became unresponsive in rare cases when agent server crashed if a user logged out when an ongoing database operation took a long time. This only happened in exceptional cases. ID: SCC-6072, SCC-6394

Sometimes the Communication Panel session was still open although the application was closed. This had the following consequences:

  • agent was seen in Dashboard as logged in
  • if agent was serving in queues and had the ready status when Communication Panel was closed, agent might have been seen as serving in email/chat queues and therefore, conversations were allocated to them
  • if an error related to the session closure occurred several times, agent could no longer log in

If an agent had a slow network connection and picked several conversations quickly, Communication Panel may have shown inconsistencies when allocating or accepting them. ID: SCC-6813

Communication Panel wasn't always persistent enough when attempting to recover from a network outage. The sequence of events ended being stuck with the user seeing the message "Awaiting softphone registration". Communication Panel can now recover better from short network breaks or glitches if switching between networks.

Other issues

New outgoing SMS messages (Communication Panel > + > Create SMS) which were sent to US mobile numbers via Conversation API were not delivered to the destination.

The country code list used in Communication Panel's Create SMS dialogue was presented incorrectly as a narrow view along with a scroll bar. Correct width is now restored so the scroll bar is removed.

Communication Panel didn't follow the configuration for any additional sockets that may have been defined in Infrastructure Administrator > Agent Server > Web Socket SIP Proxies.

Changes made in System Configurator for Communication Panel were correctly updated according to the changes. Although, they may have failed to take effect in the UI until the user logged out and then back in again. Communication Panel now reacts to changes as they are received from System Configurator.

If a user's rights were updated in System Configurator, their Communication Panel might have continued to use the previous rights. ID: SCC-9365

In the previous version, Communication Panel was changed so it retrieves wrap-up and script information in the following order:

  1. Current queue

  2. Original queue

  3. User-specific settings

This change caused backward capability issues for existing use cases. Therefore, the change is now revised so that only wrap-up information follows this principle. Scripts are retrieved only from the current queue.

Conversations seemed to be sticking and were not closeable. This happened because Communication Panel continued polling pending conversations even though the user model data had been lost or cleared. ID: SCC-6115

When the user opened the Directory view, Communication Panel made an unnecessary blank search if a default search was applied in My Preferences. To prevent unnecessary vague directory searches when opening the directory view, the directory searching is now prevented unless there is at least one character provided as the search criteria.

Occasionally, the agent got an error message when using History's detailed search for searching over longer date ranges. ID: SCC-8591

If Communication Panel was too narrow, it was not possible to define a date range in Picklist's or History's Detailed Search as the pop-up window was not in view.

Communication Panel ignored detailed search criteria saved in Picklist or History when the user reopened the detailed search. For example, the Email ID field remained disabled when the conversation type was email. ID: SCC-10188

Using conversation type as a detailed search criteria may not have returned all conversations. ID: SCC-9764

Searching with subject or body text options in the Picklist view didn't work.

Sometimes an error happened when an agent tried to pick a conversation, preventing them from further picking.

Picklist's My Preferences made it seem like the user could save the quick filter applied from Home view's quick queue filter for Picklist. Now Communication Panel disables the My Preferences button in Picklist while there is a forced queue filter active. The user needs to close the filter (for example Close button in the filter bar) to enable the My Preferences button and so restoring the applied user filter.

A user providing agent guidance occasionally could not monitor consecutive calls of an agent as the needed buttons were disabled. ID: SCC-5988

During an agent guidance session, the current supervisor's state (such as Listening) was not properly shown to the supervised agent. Additionally, the Allow Call Monitoring selection was only vaguely visible to the supervised agent due to the font color being too light.

Communication Panel didn't ask permission to send operating system notifications.

Clicking a notification didn't move the focus on Communication Panel. ID: SCC-6976

The notification dot for the Internal Notes extension sometimes disappeared when switching away from the related conversation.

When the system was configured to prompt to enter a reason for listening and users were using SSO, they couldn't listen to recordings. ID: SCC-8031

When using multiselect to transfer conversations to an agent, it was found that an auto answer with a configured delay could cause only the first conversation to be answered automatically. The rest required the agent to accept them. The code has been improved to handle this situation so all conversations are accepted automatically. ID: SCC-7400

The multiselect transfer window showed an incorrect count of 0 for a queue's queuing conversations. It now shows correctly how many conversations are in queue.

If the user applied a queue search to the multiselect transfer window, the search term was lost during the automatic refresh intervals. Any queue search term applied is now kept when the view is refreshed.

In the multiselect transfer window, the counter for Conversations Selected only updated the count at the refresh interval of Picklist. Now the count also decreases when the agent takes a multiselect action for a selected conversation.

If two agents started to pick the same conversation(s) at the same time using multiselect, it was possible that the toast message of one of these agents would show an incorrect conversation count. Additionally, the conversation would be missing in the agent's Conversation view. The conversation ended up with a status of Handled without either agent marking it as handled.

In some cases, when two agents picked, transferred, or handled conversations using multiselect, the conversation count in the toast message was incorrect by 1. The count has been improved to handle such scenarios.

Occasionally, when an agent picked several conversations (multiselect), some conversations were not shown in the My Conversations list although they were allocated and in process with the agent.

The Automatic Status Change message popover (shown to the agent when they are automatically set as Not Ready) remained visible although the agent's Ready status was restored from Dashboard. The message is now closed also in such a situation.

If the agent left the Communication Panel browser session in the background and brought it back into focus, queue statistics may have shown as zero. ID: SCC-9353

Queue statistics for a particular queue were found not to update after the agent moved away from the Home view and returned to it.

Queues may have been shown as duplicated in the Home view after Communication Panel recovered from a short network break.

Fonts used for PDF printing failed to load causing content to be missing from PDF. ID: SCC-8577

Rejecting a waiting call or chat was not handled correctly by the backend. The status of the conversation was changed to rejected but no other action was taken, and the conversation remained in the user interface with Accept and Reject buttons disabled.

Campaign and queue dialers did not prevent using campaigns before their start dates.

If an illegal character had been imported into the Configuration database, Communication Panel showed different kinds of error messages when loading conversation history data (for example, "500 internal server error"). Also reports weren't available. This has been fixed so that the default value will be used instead of an illegal character. ID: SCC-10177, SCC-10178

Communication Panel has been improved to minimize excess activities to backend server.

Communication Panel now supports the TO field for action items which were created by SAP CRM.

In the History view's detailed search, the Agent Name field was not able to show more than 1000 agents. This has been enhanced so that the administrator can change the field to fetch more agents via CommunicationPanel.json, with parameter agentSearchLimit. The field has also been adjusted to handle more than 1000 agents.


Waiting time was shown inaccurately due to rounding up. ID: SCC-6010

The source number was missing from a system-created chat that was created when an agent had a social chat and lost network connection. ID: SCC-6991

Recordings commanded by QMS were not always visible in Dashboard. ID: SCC-7851

If Critical Level of Serving or Free Agents was configured to be 0 in System Configurator and there were no serving or free agents, Dashboard showed the corresponding cell with the warning color (orange) instead of the critical color (red).

The donut chart shown in Campaign Details was showing results of calls based on the language used in the classifying agent's UI. This caused misinterpretation for the Dashboard user. Now translations are applied after classification to match the Dashboard user's set language.

Occasionally, campaign statistics weren't displayed. ID: SCC-10856

It was possible for Campaign Details view to open with a blank screen.

If the imported disruption set had its Description field set as null and the long name was used to show the data (Settings icon > Show Information Type > > Long Name), the Disruption Management view ended in an error. ID: SCC-10347

In the Agents view, the column header for Location was incorrectly named as Emergency Location. ID: SCC-10400

System Configurator

To prevent conflicts with timeouts used by JsSIP, for the phone channel only, the System Configurator parameter Timeout for Contacts to be Picked or Rejected (on either the channel or queue level) has had its default value changed from two minutes to one minute. One minute has also been set as the maximum value allowed in this field. This applies for the phone channel only. Email and chat channels remain as before, with a default value of two minutes.

Chat Server used 10 minutes (600 seconds) as the value for the parameter Timeout for Idle Chats (ChatIdleTimeout) even though a value less than 10 minutes was configured for the parameter on chat channel level in System Configurator. The issue caused idle timeout to be longer than expected for chats in queues where no value was configured for the same parameter.

Changing users' rights created unnecessary processes causing delays in user rights update.

Issues with the dialer caused the following:
  • If a campaign was changed from active to passive in System Configurator, and then to active and quickly back to passive again, the dialer forced the campaign to be closed even if there were active calls (preview/connected/wrap-up). This meant that active calls were disconnected with the call result CONNECTED.
  • If the campaign queue was changed and the campaign was forcefully closed while there were active calls (preview/connected/wrap-up), the campaign customer remained reserved in the old queue after the call had ended. This meant that the dialer didn't make as many campaign calls as in the old queue.

ID: SCC-8086

The Save button in an outbound campaign was disabled due to an issue in user rights. ID: SCC-6544

If an active IVR version or customizer was deleted and saved, the IVR was not saved correctly. ID: SCC-9290

If an active IVR source code version was deleted, and a new one was not active, the previous active IVR source code (the deleted one) was still used. ID: SCC-9332

SC opened off screen if the display that was used earlier was no longer available.

Personal data retention with queue-specific values didn't work when channel-level values were earlier than the date defined in Automatic Data Removal Start Date.

RESTful Interfaces

A rare case of user group hierarchy with recursion caused an issue in RI. ID: SCC-5800

Deadlock occurred and was caused by a bug in the Sinch Contact Pro software component that handles Restful interfaces. ID: SCC-6098

A Communication Panel user could not view agents serving in queue but instead the message Loading agent statistics failed. Contact your administrator. was shown. The issues is now fixed in RMI. ID: SCC-6309

Restful Interfaces module failed to connect to the ECF Frontend on server startup leading to RI queries failing.

If the parameter forwardEnabled was not set in the PUT/RI/rci/queues request when setting a forwarding number, the call forwarding was turned off. This has been fixed and now forwardEnabled ignores the null value.


A browser crash caused a duplicate entry to SAP Cloud for Customer C4C when an agent opened UIs again. ID: 108792 2023

Customized Communication Panel page/tab title was in some scenarios reset to the default value Sinch Communication Panel. Now the custom value is always shown according to configuration. ID: SCC-9397

Presence synchronization via Presence Synchronization Interface (PSI) was interrupted due to a PSI internal error. ID: SCC-10694

Communication Panel Third-Party Extension Messaging API couldn't send dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) tones. ID: SCC-10714

Online Integration Interface (OII)

Chat Server lost connection to OII after 1 hour. ID: SCC-8400

When the Online Integration Interface (OII) log finished logging for the current day and the UTC date changed, the log file showed a timestamp for the beginning of the current day instead of the end of the previous day.

Online Integration Interface (OII) can support multiple client certificates for connection from OII to one or multiple SAP CRMs. As CRM does not specify which certificate is required, OII could select a wrong certificate and the connection would fail. Now OII has additional mapping based on the CRM URL, which OII gets in its subscribe messages.

Task Management Interface (TMI)

TMI returned data incorrectly in local time. RTI also returned time values incorrectly. ID: SCC-8219

Task Management Interface (TMI) gave an error message when trying to modify or delete a task that included attachments which didn't have a file extension. Now TMI skips these attachments when reading the email from the database, as a file extension is required. ID: SCC-9962

Responsive My Conversations view

The URL parsing of embedded Communication Panel (My Conversations view) failed if the parameters denyPopout, minWidth, and minHeight were for example in lowercase letters (denypopout). Now there's no case sensitivity and other forms than denyPopout, minWidth, and minHeight are also accepted.

My Conversations view had minor performance issues.

Embedded Communication Panel operating in My Conversations mode could accidentally automatically open multiple pop-out Communication Panel windows. This is fixed so that, at any time, only one pop-out window will be automatically opened. ID: SCC-8248

If a user had the host application with embedded Communication Panel in My Conversations mode open in more than one tab, closed the original pop-out Communication Panel and reloaded any of the embedded Communication Panel tabs, multiple pop-out Communication Panel windows were opened.

Queue calls weren't allocated when using the responsive My Conversations view and Communication Panel popout from an embedded scenario.

Automatically opened pop-out Communication Panel did not close if Salesforce settings didn't allow popouts.


In an SAP CRM IC integration, an email or a task from picklist generated a double event and the same email/task was counted twice. ID: SCC-7098

After the agent had handled a call, SAP CRM was not alerted for a next incoming email or action item. Instead, the agent had to pick it from Communication Panel. ID: SCC-9075

When the system included an SAP CRM integration, an outgoing call had no wrap-up time if it was not made from the SAP CRM. ID: SCC-10220

Conference calls could not be started from SAP CRM. ID: SCC-9604

When using Communication Panel with SAP CRM integration, if an agent changed status to Not Ready during wrap-up, the wrap-up ended. ID: SCC-9726

In an SAP CRM, reconnecting a customer call didn't work if a consultation call had already been disconnected. ID: 885126 (2023)

When an agent answered a call in Customer Interaction Center and no auto-answer was defined in Communication Panel, there was only one-way audio.

If an agent made an outgoing call in Communication Panel (not indicated in CRM IC) and another outgoing call in CRM IC while the first call was still active, OII did a consultation call instead of an outgoing call.

Deleting a campaign customer in CRM could reach Sinch Contact Pro with a delay, causing the customer to still be called. ID: 222383 (2023)

Visitor Chat

The following issues in the Launchpad application have been fixed:

  • the Launchpad opened incorrectly in full size view on a mobile client
  • the list of messaging channels wasn't scrollable
  • the API function cvc.getOption wasn't returning values of configuration parameters

In addition, to improve functionality in cases where the browser resizes and mobile orientation changes, dynamical resizing was added. ID: SCC-5584

Resilience for social chat channel has been improved. ID: SCC-5763

Moving the Visitor Chat or Launchpad window with a mouse didn't work properly. ID: SCC-4080

Visitor Chat did not always play sound notification for new messages. This could happen if sounds were enabled but sound notification file was not specifically changed via the dropdown menu in the Chat Configurator.

Visitor Chat's email validation in the login screen didn't work. ID: SCC-10820

The following issues have been fixed:

  • Chat ending on a non-visible tab caused issues.
  • After chat had ended, WebSocket was unnecessarily left open on the active tab.
  • Starting a new chat soon after the previous one had ended could cause authentication/cookie/session issues, which then prevents chat from starting properly.
  • Starting a new chat within 1 second after the previous one had ended caused issues with managing WebSockets.

ID: SCC-6441

If customer left the conversation, the agent saw the disconnect prompt twice. ID: SCC-6407

If the host page had CSS applied to iFrame, the Launchpad and Web Chat were incorrectly stretched across page.

A web chat was kept active by system messages that were generated because of a visitor browser activity. ID: SCC-9385

Chat Configurator couldn't upload a JSON chat configuration file when the user authenticated with single sign-on (SSO). Now JSON configuration files can also be shared across Sinch Contact Pro environments.

Reporting and Monitoring

Standard reports installation failed if user account for data sources has special characters in password ID: SCC-10260

If one server had several separate customer environments, the reporting job process might have taken more time but with lower CPU consumption.

Reporting database data collection failed showing the error String or binary data would be truncated if a call was anonymized before it was handled by reporting.

Outgoing contacts (CallOut) that were false attempts (FalseAttempt) were reported as Handled although the correct value was FalseAttempt. ID: SCC-9894

Recording information of the first call was not visible if long recording had started and the call was transferred and the first call had been reported before the recording had ended.

A callback was missing from reporting if the callback script was saved several minutes before the call ended and there were many ongoing conversations. ID: 1038105 (2023)

When the previous year's data was deleted at the beginning of a new year, a step in the SQL job failed. ID: CC-11307 SCC-11307

Communication Desktop (CDT)

The agent couldn't select a call result for an outbound campaign call after a conference call ended. This has been fixed so that CDT is now better aware of ended conference calls while a campaign is active.

Open conversations were not always moved to the pending list after agent logout.

CDT failed to reject an incoming email while there was another email currently opened for viewing. Emails are now rejected in this situation.

Emails may have been offered in the wrong order due to Communication Event Manager (CEM) using an incorrect priority for forwarded/transferred emails in some scenarios.

Supervising failed if the agent and supervisor were allocated to different CEM instances (applicable only with multi-CEM environments using CDT).

CDT didn't scale correctly in Microsoft Edge because it no longer followed the default (fixed) width and height settings.


An issue in Chat Server prevented a chat from being reforwarded after a failed forwarding. ID: SCC-6394, SCC-6509

When connection between Chain Matcher and Chat Server was lost, not all chat conversations were necessarily cleared properly.

Chat creation was processed slowly in Chat Server due to a non-optimized database check if there was a preferred/required agent for the chat. ID: SCC-10441

The system didn't recover chats after an issue or upgrade. ID: SCC-7795

New conversations were not offered to the agent if the agent failed to transfer a call to an external number in a multi-CEM system. Also another agent serving in that particular queue and on the same CEM could be affected if the call that was partially unregistered was offered to the agent. ID: 906614 2022

CEM module had a memory leak related to queue dialer based campaign calls.

SMS sender ID was always changed to lowercase. Now it follows what is configured in System Configurator. ID: SCC-2652

Agent Server could crash while disconnecting logged in users during CEM disconnection. ID: SCC-6365

Metadata files were not generated in all recording scenarios.

Infrastructure Administrator users can now modify the ECF Web Server heartbeat mechanism parameter Websocket ping-pong interval in seconds. For more information, see the Infrastructure Administrator document.

Updating a group with tens of thousands of entries in directory caused unnecessarily high CPU load in Directory Server. Therefore Directory Server has been optimized to use less CPU when a system contains very large directory groups.

Recovering a high volume of chats caused high CPU usage.

Silent loss disconnection sometimes occurred under high CPU load. Silent loss timeout has now been extended to 20 seconds.

Some registry key values had a size limitation. This has been removed and the character limit is now by operating system.

Contact Center customizer stopped working when Contact Center application parameter was modified. ID: SCC-8603

If a customer tried to start a Viber conversation through the Launchpad link on mobile, the Viber app opened but said "The requested page is unavailable." Now Viber opens correctly. ID: SCC-10075

In the Operative Database clean-up process for the daily process, a wrong data clean-up end time may have been logged leading to a wrong data clean-up start time for the next day.

MultiSubnetFailover=yes has been removed from database connection string. ID: SCC-2158

When service was closed, Conversation API failed to deliver a prompt to the customer. ID: SCC-10841, SCC-6138

Quality Monitoring Server (QMS) was unable to send call events at the rate they were happening. Events piled up in a queue and were sent when the call had already been disconnected. ID: SCC-10362

In some systems, RTP stream of notifications of unconnected calls was left in UDP buffers of operating system or network devices. Those packets then interfered with voice stream of other calls. Reading of these unneeded packets is now improved and UDP buffers are clear of packets when call starts. ID: SCC-1109

If webhook secret for Sinch Conversation API was longer than 16 characters, inbound messages were not delivered to agent.