
This document lists the most important new features, changes, and improvements in Sinch Contact Pro.

The on-premise Feature Package (FP) 20 release comprises of relevant new feature development and corrections made from the Sinch hosted cloud releases of 23Q1, 23Q2, 23Q3, and 24Q1. The Feature Package release plan is to introduce a new version once per year.


Download the software package, which is delivered as a compressed file, from https://downloads.cc.sinch.com/. To extract it, use an appropriate decompression tool, such as WinRAR or 7-zip.

When installing or upgrading, note the following:

  • If you install the software for the first time, use this feature package as the original software, for instructions, see Installation Guide.
  • If you upgrade from the previous support package, follow instructions in the Installation Guide. If you upgrade from an earlier support package, take into account changes in intermediate support packages. Most important limitations are listed in Limitations and Special Notes in Support Packages in the Installation Guide.

    Make sure you upgrade the Infrastructure Administrator (IA) and High Availability Controller (HAC) first before the rest of the system.

  • If you are upgrading a system that includes Reporting for SAP BusinessObjects, install the package like you installed it for the first time.
  • For instructions on how to start using the applications, see Client Workstation Guide > Starting to Use Sinch Contact Pro End-User Applications.

For software and hardware requirements and recommendations, see Compatibility List. The document is now available in html format.

UI Support

Related to UIs, note the following:

  • Features presented in this document are developed solely for use with the UIs of Communication Panel and Dashboard.
  • Sinch is not developing new features for the Communication Desktop (CDT) and Online Monitoring UIs.
  • Sinch has no plans to end Communication Desktop (CDT) and Online Monitoring support. Both remain supported until further notice. Follow this Sinch Community posting for updates: End of Internet Explorer Support on June 15, 2022
  • Cross use of user interfaces is not supported. This means use cases like:

    • Communication Panel's agent guidance feature for agent using CDT
    • Supervising via CDT for an agent using Communication Panel
    • Changing Communication Panel agent status from Online Monitoring
    • Changing CDT agent status or profile from Dashboard

Discussion and FAQ

To ask questions, to engage in discussion with other contact center customers and partners, and to search for solutions to common problems, go to the Contact Pro community.