Integration Interfaces

The following changes have been made in the RESTful and integration interfaces.

Stronger Authentication

Sinch Contact Pro now supports OAuth 2.0 based authentication for Restful APIs. The authentication is based on either SAML or OpenID Connect so you need to use your own identity provider (IdP). Configure RI variables for supported issuers for oAuth and JSON Web Key Sets in Infrastructure Administrator.

Restful Configuration Interface (RCI)

The interface has the following improvements and new features:

  • The /queues resource has enhanced cache, allowing faster GET operations. This is useful for applications that frequently need to retrieve the list of queues.
  • The /queues resource supports retrieving queues belonging to specified queue groups.
  • A new parameter has been added to /queues, /queueGroups and /customIvrs resources, allowing all attributes of queue/IVR to be returned as part of result set.
  • The /customIvrs resource supports searching and fetching and /customIvrs/:id/parameters adding and modifying.
  • You can now modify or add users' call switching location via RI. Get the location value with:

    • rci/callSwitchingLocations
    • rci/callSwitchingLocations/:id

    For modifying or adding a location, use callSwitchingLocationId in POST or PUT in the rci/users resource. For viewing the user's location, use callSwitchingLocationName.

    We recommend that you add the field callSwitchingLocationId to your existing integrations.

    For more information, see the RCI.html.

Restful Outbound Campaign Interface (OBI)

Additional statistical data has been added to the /RI/obi/campaigns resource.

A PUT method has been added into the /campaigns/{campaignId} resource.

A new agentId query parameter has been added to the /campaigns resource to return campaigns where the defined agent(s) have been serving. It can be used with the statistics parameter to also return statistics for the agent(s).

New resource /campaigns/:id/customerResultStatistics has been added. For more information, see API documentation.

A new GET /RI/obi/statistics resource has been added to return a list of outbound campaign statistics, grouped by campaignId and agentId.

A new callable field has been added to the GET /campaigns resource.

Fields numberOfHangupCalls and numberOfAbandonedCalls have been added to the /campaigns resource when using query parameter statistics.

Support for multiple agent IDs as comma separated in query parameters have been added to resource GET /campaign/:id/customers.

Restful Contact Management Interface (CMI)

New methods for populating requests have been added. For more information, see API documentation.

Restful Monitoring Interface (RMI)

Performance of rmi/agents has been improved.

Restful Contact Management Interface (CMI)

  • cmi/emails channel_sub_type always showed XRI tasks incorrectly as inbound. Now this is fixed and the correct subtype is shown.
  • Now GET cmi/emals/id provides attached data.
  • New query parameter includeAttachedData has been added to GET cmi/emails.

Restful Contact Management Interface (CMI) and Restful Monitoring Interface (RMI)

Wrap-up conversations have been added to cache in:

  • GET/RI/cmi/contacts
  • GET/RI/rmi/contacts

Restful License Reporting Interface (LRI)

To improve performance, queries have been optimized.

Online Integration Interface (OII)

Source address for an incoming conversation from social channels is now shown in email format via OII. This enables SAP CRM IC to identify business partner. For example, a WhatsApp number +1 123 123 123 is shown as

A soapuser HTML header has been added to requests sent by OII to SAP CRM. The header includes the ID of the user whose status is changed.

Support for outbound campaigns in Communication Panel has been added to OII. Campaign calls are initiated and previews shown in SAP CRM on-premise's Interaction Center in the same way as when using Communication Panel. This requires importing the outbound campaign's contact list to Sinch Contact Pro with SAP Phone.

Communication Panel Third-Party Extension Messaging API

The API now supports:

  • message command
  • joining a phone call (for example a call on hold) with an ongoing phone call (for example a consultation call)
  • starting a WhatsApp chat

Restful Directory and Presence Interface (DPI)

New resource /entryDetails for directory group entries has been added. For more information, see API documentation.

/dpi/entries/:id/groups resource with methods GET and POST has been added.

Communication Panel Control (CPC) Library Documentation

Documentation on CPC has been added for an easier integration of Communication Panel with your web application:

  • Instructions can be found in the Integrate section on the documentation site.

  • API reference can be found on the API Documentation page in the Client-Side Interfaces section.

CPC is an open-source JavaScript library that abstracts the Communication Panel Third-Party Extension Messaging API and exposes its features and capabilities as a modern async API. CPC handles a lot of the heavy lifting for you, cutting down the development time needed for the integration.