Personal Data Retention Times

You can define in System Management > Personal Data Retention Times how long time contacts and Outbound campaigns are stored in the system. After the retention time all data will be anonymized or deleted.

To take the automatic data removal in use:
  1. Select the checkbox Enable Automatic Data Removal.
  2. Define in Automatic Data Removal Start Date the date after which saved data this removal procedure is targeted to. If no date is defined, no data is erased.
  3. Define retention periods separately for calls, e-mails, chats and Outbound campaigns.

    If you choose Enable Automatic Data Removal, define retention times for all contact types and for personal data in Outbound campaigns. If no retention time is defined, no data is removed.

example: You have selected the checbox Enable Automatic Data Removal, defined the Automatic Data Removal After to be 1.1.2018, and Retention Time for Calls to be 1 year; the data removal starts on 1.1.2019 only.

These retention times apply to all data but directory data and consent information, these items are not removed after retention times but only on request.

For more information about data deletion, anonymizing, blocking and other personal data protection issues, see Security Guide, especially the section Deletion of Personal Data.