Media Routing Server (MRS) Variables

About RTP Ports

RTP ports have always an even port number. This means that when MRS reserves ports, it will only take even ports. Therefore the port range will be twice as large as the number of ports MRS actually uses. If some of the ports in the range are already in use by some other process, they are skipped and the port range is extended accordingly. Each MRS reserves ports for each CD so in a dual-CD system the port range is again doubled.

Media Routing Server (MRS) installation variables are:



IP Address of the Virtual Unit

Virtual IP address, for information only. Address cannot be changed as it is defined when the virtual unit is created.

Use Windows Authentication for Database Connections

Specify whether Windows authentication should be used for database connections. The selection is on by default, and we recommend using it. With Windows authentication, you can leave database password fields empty. If you de select the option, SQL logon is used, and you must enter database user name and password for each database connection, and they are saved in registry and log files as plain text.

Log File Directory of the Virtual Unit

Software running in the virtual unit uses this directory for their log files

Media Routing Server Port Number

Specifies the TCP/IP port used for listening. The default value is 21010.

IP Address for RTP Stream

Define the IP address used by the MRS component for sending and receiving voice streams. The default value is the MRS virtual unit’s IP address.


If you change this IP address in a running system, restart MRS.

Maximum Number of Simultaneous Prompts

Reserve large enough port range for the maximum number of simultaneous prompts played by this MRS module. If there are more than one Call Dispatcher (CD) in the system, use the following formula to get the maximum value:

[configured maximum number of simultaneous prompts] x 2 x [the number of CDs in your system]

First Port of Prompt Area

Enter a port number. The reserved area starts there and extends to twice the number defined for Maximum Number of Simultaneous Prompts. MRS starts reserving ports from the specified base port and skips all reserved ports. The port range will be exceeded if some other process has reserved ports from the range.

Example of Port Range

The maximum number of simultaneous prompts is 200 and there are two CDs in the system. One prompt takes 2 ports. The calculation is as follows:

2 x 200 x 2 = 800

Use for Server-Side Recording

Enable using this MRS for Server-Side Recording (SSR) as well. SSR is turned on in System Configurator.

This option must be selected also for the MRS used for QMS, and for environments where supervisor functions are used with MTD, and in the SRTP configurations where all components are not able to use SRTP.

Maximum Number of Simultaneous Recordings

Reserve large enough port range for the maximum number of simultaneous recordings made by this MRS module. If there are more than one Call Dispatcher (CD) in the system, use the following formula to get the maximum value:

[configured maximum number of simultaneous recordings] x [the number of CDs in your system]

First Port of Recording Area

Enter a port number. The reserved area starts there, and extends to six times the number defined for Maximum Number of Simultaneous Recordings. MRS starts reserving ports from the specified base port and skips all reserved ports. The port range will be exceeded if some other process has reserved ports from the range.

Example of Port Range

The maximum number of simultaneous recordings is 200 and there are two CDs in the system. One recording takes 6 ports. The calculation is as follows:

6 x 200 x 2 = 2400

MRS-Specific Path for Voicemail Files

Leave empty to use the central location defined in System Services > Voicemail Settings. If you save prompts on a local MRS, enter proper UNC path, and make sure files are replicated to central location with File Replication Server.

MRS-Specific Path for Recorded Files

Leave empty to use the central location defined in System Services > Recording Settings. If you save recordings on a local MRS, enter proper UNC path, and make sure files are replicated to central location with File Replication Server.

MRS-Specific Path for Prompt Files

Leave empty to use the central location defined in System Services > Prompt Settings. If you save prompts on a local MRS, enter proper UNC path, and make sure files are replicated to central location with File Replication Server.

Configuration Database Server Address or Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database User Name

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Configuration Database Password

By default, the value defined in database installation is used automatically.

Internal Server Certificate in Use

Internal Server Certificate can be used to secure server-server connection.

Internal Server Certificate Common Name

Internal Server Common Name part of the Certificate Subject, Issued To.

Internal Server Certificate Issuer

Optional Internal Server Certificate issuer name, Issued By.

Internal Server Certificate Store

Internal Server Certificate store location.

Local Temporary Directory for SSR Files

Leave empty to use Windows temp directory, or define a local temporary directory for SSR temporary recording files. To prevent system partition from filling up if MRS is not able to move recordings to final destination, define the directory on a local non-system partition.

Added in SP08.