High Availability Controller (HAC) Deployment Variables

Table 1. HAC Variables




Home Directory for Virtual Units

Define the folder where you will install the virtual units, the default is C:\Program Files\SAP\ContactCenter.

Install Media Directory for Contact Center Software

Enter the folder name where you extracted the Sinch Contact Pro software packages. The default is [Home Directory]\install.

Install Media Directory for Hotfixes:

Enter the folder name where you will place the hotfixes later on, the default is [Install Media Directory]\hotfixes.

Home Directory for Logs

Define the folder where the system log files are collected. We recommend using the same shared folder on the administrative workstation for all hosts. The default is [Home Directory]\logs\.

Log File Directory of the Virtual Unit

Define the folder where the system log files are collected. We recommend using the same shared folder on the administrative workstation for all hosts. The default is [Home Directory for ContactCenter Logs]\$VU_NAME$.

User Authentication

HAC Administrators

Define at least one (Windows) user that has rights to make and edit the system model. Separate several names with semicolons.

As of SP09, you can enter also Active Directory user groups. Separate user and user group names with commas or semicolons, do not use any trailing spaces.

NOTE: Use same users or user groups for all HAC nodes in a system.

HAC View-Only Users

Enter the user name that has rights to view the system model configuration. Separate several names with semicolons.

As of SP09, you can enter also Active Directory user groups. Separate user and user group names with commas or semicolons, do not use any trailing spaces.

NOTE: Use same users or user groups for all HAC nodes in a system.

Server Connection Security

Internal Server Certificate Common Name

If the TLS secured connection is used between the HAC nodes (HAC-HAC connection), enter the internal server certificate information.

Internal Server Certificate Issuer

If the TLS secured connection is used between the HAC nodes (HAC-HAC connection), enter the internal server certificate information.

Internal Server Certificate Store

If the TLS secured connection is used between the HAC nodes (HAC-HAC connection), enter the internal server certificate information.

Client Connection Security

Client Certificate Common Name

If the TLS secured connection is used for administration connection (IA-HAC connection), enter information of the certificate placed on the administrative workstation were the IA tool is run.

Client Certificate Issuer

If the TLS secured connection is used for administration connection (IA-HAC connection), enter information of the certificate placed on the administrative workstation were the IA tool is run.

Client Certificate Store

If the TLS secured connection is used for administration connection (IA-HAC connection), enter information of the certificate placed on the administrative workstation were the IA tool is run.

Service Control

Use Group Managed Service Account (gMSA)

Select whether to use Group Managed Service Account (gMSA). If this option is checked, the password cannot be entered but an automatically created 120 characters long password is used. For more information, see Installation Guide > Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA). Added in SP09.

HAC Service Logon User Account

Enter the user name of the domain account that runs HAC services. As of SP09, also gMSA accounts can be used, see above.

Password for HAC Service Logon User Account

Enter the domain account password. If gMSA is in use, the field is disabled.

Start and Stop HAC Service Automatically during Deployment

Let the default selection remain in the check box. If you remove the selection, you must start and stop HAC services manually at each server.

Alarm Server

Enable Alarm Server Messages

Enable informing Alarm Server via HTTP about error situations on HAC node. For Alarm Server settings, see Alarm Server Variables.

Alarm Server Addresses

Enter the DNS address and port (the default port value is 21013) of the Alarm Server virtual unit, for example alarm.acme.com:21013.

If you have several alarm servers in your system, enter all of them as name:port pairs separated with a semicolon. Make sure that DNS names are resolved to IP addresses by the DNS server, or manually by adding resolving in hosts file located under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

System Landscape Directory: To enable sending system model information to System Landscape Directory (SLD), define the registration and connection file locations.

Registration File for System Landscape Directory

Enter the directory.

Connection File for System Landscape Directory

Enter the directory.