Session Border Controller (SBC)

Opening Sinch Contact Pro for WebRTC Traffic

Sinch Contact Pro needs an external SBC system to translate incoming Communication Panel traffic from WebRTC to SIP. For handling that SIP traffic, Sinch Contact Pro needs a dedicated SIP Bridge module.

The image below shows the traffic between these components. To see explanations, hover over the numbers in the image.

An agent logs in to Communication Panel.Communication Panel receives SBC address and SIP identity.Communication Panel sends a SIP REGISTER message.SBC creates a new SIP REGISTER message with the SIP identity to the received SBC address.WebRTC SIP Bridge sends the received REGISTER message to Agent Server.If the authentication is successful, Agent Server informs WebRTC SIP Bridge.WebRTC SIP Bridge sends a 200 OK for REGISTER message to SBC.SBC sends the message to Communication Panel.


Communication Panel needs to know the address of SBC providing WebRTC to SIP functionality. Otherwise the phone function in Communication Panel doesn't work. You configure this address in two places for a Communication Panel user:
  1. The Agent Server module parameter Websocket SIP Proxies in Infrastructure Administrator (IA)

  2. The WebRTC location where user is tied to in System Configurator

The address is configured as a secure websocket URI, for example wss:// After the system has authenticated an agent with phone rights, Communication Panel will try to open a websocket to this URL for the phone functionality.