Diagnostics View

In case you have problems with CDT and you need to report them to your support team, the Diagnostics view displays information that is useful in the problem solving process. You can, for example, select the whole dialog window by pressing Ctrl + A and then copy and paste the information to an e-mail you send to the support team. This way all the relevant technical information related to your CDT client is available to them immediately.

Sending Client Logs


This function requires that Microsoft Outlook is available.

There's a button in the upper right corner of the Diagnostics view with the tooltip Create E-mail with Logs Attached for easy sending of client logs to support for troubleshooting in error situation.

When you click the button:

  • CDT copies the content of the current Diagnostics view in the file CDT_DIAGNOSTICS.TXT.

  • Collects the current client logs.

  • Compresses all these files to a zip file, opens an e-mail message and attaches the zip file to it.

  • Additionally, administrators can define the default address for this e-mail in SC > User Template > CDT Personalization, and define if client system information is included as well.

Added in 1608.