Menu Bar

Describes the options available in different menus

The menu bar in the upper part of the CDT view include menus File, View, Tools, and Help. To open the menu, click the title.

File Menu

  • Online Monitoring: Opens the Online Monitoring application

    This option is only available if you have rights to use Online Monitoring and administrators have configured the user interface settings so that the application is shown in the menu.

  • Refresh: Updates the screen

  • Exit: Closes the application

View Menu

  • Compact: Displays a limited collection of basic functions

  • Normal: Displays the contact view

  • Extended: Displays the entire user interface

  • Directory: Displays the Directory view

  • Contact Center: Displays the Contact Center view

Tools Menu

Help Menu

  • Application Help: Displays the online help

  • Diagnostics: Opens the Diagnostics dialog window

  • About: Displays the software version information