Before You Start

This section describes the prerequisites and recommendations for Embedded Communications Framework (ECF).

Prerequisites Before ECF Installation

Environment variable JAVA_HOME must be defined for the place in which ECF Web Server package is going to be installed:

  1. Open Properties of the server.

  2. Select Advanced system settings.

  3. Click Environment Variables...

  4. Add a new system variable: JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_31


    The path depends on the version of the Java.

    As of FP14, both 32-bit and 64-bit editions are supported. For more information, see Supported Prerequisite Software Versions.

  5. Modify the system variable PATH: add the following reference: %JAVA_HOME%\bin.

Supported Browsers and Platforms

We recommend that you use the latest version of the browser.

Interaction Type

OS Version


ECF task


10 (64 bit)

Chrome, Firefox

macOS Sierra: 10.12

Safari, Chrome, Firefox

Text/SMS chat


10 (64 bit)

Chrome, Firefox

macOS Sierra: 10.12

Safari, Chrome, Firefox

Video chat


10 (64 bit)

Chrome, Firefox

macOS Sierra: 10.12

Chrome, Firefox



10 (64 bit)


macOS Sierra: 10.12




10 (64 bit)

Chrome, Firefox

macOS Sierra: 10.12

Safari, Chrome, Firefox


Tomcat Version

UI5 Version

UI5 Version in Communication Panel

SP10 (



OpenUI5 version 1.34.9

OpenUI5 version 1.36.10


FP11 (


SAPUI5 version 1.44.6


FP12 (


SAPUI5 version 1.46.9


FP13 (


SAPUI5 version 1.46.9

SAPUI5 version 1.46.9
FP14 ( version 1.46.9SAPUI5 version 1.52.19
FP15 ( version 1.46.9SAPUI5 version 1.65.3.
FP16 ( version 1.46.9SAPUI5 version 1.71
FP17 ( version 1.71.23SAPUI5 version 1.71.23
FP18 ( 8.5.72 SAPUI5 version 1.71.23 SAPUI5 version 1.71.23
FP19 ( 8.5.83 SAPUI5 version 1.71.44 SAPUI5 version 1.71.44
FP20 ( 9.0 SAPUI5 version 1.71.57 SAPUI5 version 1.71.57

Usage Limitations and Recommendations

The following table lists the limitations and recommendations for ECF.


  • It is not recommendqed to blend customer emails (retrieved from an email server) and ECF tasks to the same queue because Online Monitoring and Reporting are not able to differentiate contacts from the email channel.

  • The hunt group queue mode with ECF tasks is not supported so use auto-allocation mode.

  • For ECF task tracking purposes in the Sinch Contact Pro system, it is recommended that the Host Application adds some identification data to the ECF task such as appropriate subject and Host Application process item related data to the body message. This helps to search and see status of a particular ECF task, for example, using the CDT soft phone contact history search.

  • It is not supported to pair:

    • ECF agent host applications with visitor chat requests from Chat Portal

    • CDT agent with ECF visitor chat requests

    This means that CDT users cannot handle visitor chats initiated using ECF controls and ECF users cannot handle chats initiated using Chat Portal. Configure the system so that ECF users have rights only to ECF queues and CDT users only to chat queue contacts that are handled in CDT.

Supported clients

It is not supported to use Convergence soft phone, IP desk phone or the external agent function with the same user account that is used for ECF Widget user authentication – instead, you must use a separate user account. Simultaneous use of ECF Widget and CDT is supported.

(Before 1608, it required that the Connection Server variable Enable Using ECF and CDT Simultaneously was selected but now the variable has been removed as obsolete).

Supported browsers

Your agents must use a browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, or Firefox) that supports HTML5. For video chat the browser must support WebRTC (Chrome and Firefox).


WebRTC no longer works on insecure origins in Chrome. When you use video chat with Chrome, you must use secure URLs at both ends.


Video connection cannot be established over STUN/TURN if the other party is using the Firefox browser on Mac.


  • OAuth is not currently supported in Safari.

  • Password change is not currently supported on the ECF user interface. ECF users must change their expired password via CDT or SC user interface.

Script transfer

The table below shows which script is used when an interaction is transferred.
Table 1.

Transfer Source*

Transfer Target/Script to Be Used

Transfer Target/Script to Be Used

Transfer Target/Script to Be Used

Transfer Target/Script to Be Used

Queue with Script 1

Queue with Script 2

Queue Without Script


Queue with Script 1

Script 1

Script 2

Script 1

Script 1

Queue with Script 2

Script 1

Script 2

Script 2

Script 2

Queue Without Script

Script 1

Script 2



*The queue from which the transfer is done.

The original agent’s answers (which were filled in before the transfer) are copied to the transferred script. So if the transfer target has the same script as the source, then these answers are visible there.

The modifications to the script after the transfer are not copied. There will be separate script results for both the original and transferred script.