Exporting Data

You must have rights to manage import and export jobs.

You use this procedure to export the following objects:

  • Calendars

  • Customer consents
  • Directory entries

  • Disruption Items
  • Outbound blocked numbers

  • Outbound campaigns

  • Presence profiles

  • Queues

  • Rights

  • Roles

  • Scripts

  • Skill

  • User group hierarchy

  • Users

  1. Go to System Tools > Import and Export Settings to define the Folder for Import and Export Jobs. For more information, see Defining Import and Export Settings.
  2. Go to System Tools > Export.
  3. Choose the object you want to export.
  4. Configure what is included in export depending on the selected object type:
    Table 1. Settings Specific to Exported Object Type

    Export Object




    Export Internal Id

    Id is an internal Sinch Contact Pro item. Choose this option to include it into the export, it is not exported by default.


    Currently not supported in Sinch Contact Pro cloud.

    Directory Entries

    Directory Group

    Choose the correct group.

    Export Attributes in All Languages

    Choose this option to export directory entries and user attributes in different languages. The column names are formed from the attribute name and language abbreviation separated with a colon (:), for example FirstName:EN FirstName:JA Surname:FI Attr.Title:DE

    If the option is not selected, the system default language is used.

    Export Internal Id

    Sinch Contact Pro internal id. See Calendar above.

    Image Folder

    Define the binary folder which contains the user photos if you want to export user photos along with other user information.

    Presence Profiles

    Export Internal Id

    Sinch Contact Pro internal id. See Calendar above.

    Outbound Campaign

    Exported from Campaign

    Choose the campaign that is used in the export.


    Choose which customers are included in the export (for example all or only the ones that are handled).

    Include Script Results

    Select this option if you want that also script results are exported.


    Queue Group

    Choose the queue group to be exported.

    Queue Groups

    Include information to which queue groups each queue belongs to.

    Export Queue Skills

    Select this option if you want that the skills defined for queues are also included in the export.

    Export Queue Settings

    Select this option if you want that the settings defined for queues are also included in the export.

    Export Internal Id

    Sinch Contact Pro internal id. See Calendar above.


    • Role Rights

    • User Group Rights

    • User Rights

    Choose which rights will be included in the export.

    Export Internal Id

    Sinch Contact Pro internal id. See Calendar above.


    User Group

    Choose the group you want to export.

    If you do not choose the group and proceed with the export, all users are exported.

    Export User Roles

    Select this option if you want that information of the user roles is also included in the export.

    Export User Groups

    Select this option if you want that information of all the groups where the user belongs to is included in the export.

    Export User Skills

    Select this option if you want that user skills are also included in the export.

    Export Directory Information of Users

    Select this option if you want that the directory information is included in the export.

    The directory information is defined in Communication Desktop (CDT) for directory fields (for example the directory field Responsibilities may contain Marketing material).

    Export Internal Id

    Sinch Contact Pro internal id. See Calendar above.

    Image Folder

    Define the binary folder which contains the user photos if you want to export user photos along with other user information.

    The option Export Directory Information of Users must be selected when you export photos because the user photo is included in the directory information.

  5. Define the settings for the actual export:



    Execution Mode

    Choose Execute Locally as the import method. Other options are not supported in Sinch Contact Pro cloud.

    Server File / Local File

    Click the folder icon for Local File to select the file and path by browsing the folders.

    Overwrite Existing File

    Choose this option to overwrite the target file if it already exists.

    Schedule Time

    This setting does not apply to Sinch Contact Pro cloud.

  6. Choose Start.