Video Webchats

Video chat can be started when you have an active text chat conversation, and both parties have video capability.


Video stream stays active (you are visible to customer) as long as the video chat is established, regardless if you change focus from video, for example while making a consultation chat in another view or entering text chat.

  1. To start a video chat, click the Video Chat button.

    Or you can receive a notification saying Live video starting with and the counterpart's name.

  2. Video is displayed in the text chat view in its own panel. The text chat panel is collapsed.

    • If you need to continue text chatting with the same person, expand the Text Chat and enter your text. The video panel is collapsed.

    • If you receive a new text chat message from the same person you are having the video chat with, you get the message New Messages.
    • If there is a script you need to fill out, it is displayed in its own panel.
    • You cannot receive phone calls or any other conversations while the video chat is active.
  3. To stop the video chat, click the Stop Video button, or end the text chat conversation.