Creating Business Objects User

Creating Users Automatically, As of 1611

User accounts for Sinch Contact Pro Reporting for BusinessObjects (BO) can be defined in System Configurator. Connection to the BO Server must be first defined in Infrastructure Administrator with the Batch Job Server variables SAP BusinessObjects Server, SAP BusinessObjects Administrator Account Login Name, and SAP BusinessObjects Administrator Account Password.

BO accounts are created for a user when:

  1. an appropriate id is defined in the field User and Role Management > Users > Authentication > Business Objects.

• user has Statistics Details rights to any object

• user has an e-mail address in the Contact Center system.

When an account is created, user receives an e-mail with a temporary password he is requested to change at the first logon.

These users are automatically added to the group Sinch CCtr Reporting Users.

Creating Users Manually, Prior to 1611

  1. Open Business Objects Central Management Console. Select Users and Groups and then Create a User.

  2. Enter user information and click Create & Close.


    Account name must match to one defined in the Sinch Contact Pro System Configurator (SC) User and Role Management > Users > Authentication > Business Objects.

  3. Right-click the user in User List and select Join Group.

  4. Select Sinch CCtr Reporting Users and click the right arrow to add the user to the Sinch CCtr Reporting Users group, and click OK.