Supervisor-Related Functions

CDT includes functions to supervise users. However, administrators define whether you are allowed to use the supervisor functions and the extent of your supervising actions. For example, you may not be able to record the calls you supervise.

You can supervise one user at a time. That user must be logged on to CDT and cannot be supervised by anyone else. The supervising actions may also be denied by users or user settings template defined in System Configurator (SC). For more information about restricting supervising in CDT, see Configuring Contact Center Settings.

You cannot use the supervisor functions in the MTD mode.

  • The legislation related to data protection and privacy varies in different countries. For example, you may need to inform the other party that a call is being recorded or that the supervising functions are in use. This may also be the case when displaying and hiding digits in phone numbers. Check the local laws and acts related to these issues.

  • If NAT locations are used in the system, the supervisor must be in the same NAT location as the agents he is supervising, otherwise the audio does not work in supervising functions.