
Scripts are questionnaires that are linked to queues and OB campaigns. There are different types of scripts. Administrators define the queues and campaigns in which scripts are used. They also define when the script is available (when a contact is allocated, answered or handled, and in some cases you can open the script yourself) and whether your status changes automatically from ready to wrap-up when you use scripts. In case your status does not change automatically, you can select Wrap-Up Status in Use on the Scripting tab page to fill out the script without interruptions.

If you have rights, you can view the script answers of the scripts you have filled out on the History tab page by choosing the correct contact row and clicking the Show contact details button. All scripts answers are collected into the Reporting application where administrators can view them.

Scripts open on the Scripting tab page except the scripts used in chat sessions; they open on the Chat tab page.

Note the following about scripts:

  • A question may be defined to be mandatory. You cannot continue until you have defined an answer to such a question.

  • In case of phone contacts, a chosen answer option may start recording the call. Recording stops when the call ends.

  • If you have an active contact and a script related to it open and you transfer the contact, the script is closed. If you have filled out the script before transferring and the same script is modified later, the previous changes are overwritten and only the latest script version is saved.