Personal and Queue Contact History

The History tab page contains your personal contact history: all handled contacts including calls, scripts, e-mails, and chat sessions. The maximum number of displayed contacts is 500, and the history covers the last five days. For an e-mail to be displayed in the History view, the handling time of the e-mail must be within the last-five-days limit. In chat and phone contacts, the criterion is the arrival time. To show over 5-days-old e-mail in your History view, you must use the Search for contacts with special criteria button. For more information about e-mails in the History view, see E-Mails in the History View

In the History view, you can

Table 1. Information Displayed in History View



Contact ID

Phone number, name or an e-mail address

Note that administrators can define that the queue caller information is not displayed.


Queue name, or in case of direct calls, the information whether the call was an inbound or outbound call

When you place the cursor on the items in this column, a tooltip displays number information.


The topic of an e-mail or a chat. Displayed only in the history search results view.

Added in SP08.


The user who handled the contact. Displayed only in the history search results view.

Added in SP08.


The status of a contact


The date and time when the contact was received or initiated


The duration of the contact in the format mm:ss or hh:mm:ss

If you have missed a call or the other party did not answer, the Duration column is empty.


If a script is used in the queue, this checkbox is selected.


If a call has been recorded using the server-side recording method and you have rights to listen to recordings, this checkbox is selected.