Daily Statistics in Dashboard

The Dashboard view displays the daily statistics related to all inbound and outbound calls, chat sessions, and e-mail messages. These statistics are shown at three different levels:

  • Application level:

    • Calls: all queue calls of all agents

    • E-Mails: all e-mail messages

    • Chat Requests: all chat requests

    • All contacts per queue: The queues the view displays depend on the setting Show All Queues in Dashboard in Tools > Settings > Contact Center > General. For more information, see Configuring Contact Center Settings.

  • Group level:

    This level contains direct and queue calls of the reporting group to which you belong or have rights. You can only belong to one reporting group. The group statistics are counted in a similar way to the personal ones. Note that the group sums show statistics for all those users to which you have statistics summary rights. In other words, if you do not have these rights to any other users, your Group view is identical to your Personal view.


    Administrators can define in System Configurator (SC) that direct calls are excluded from the group-level statistics.

  • Personal level:

    This level contains your personal contacts:

    • Calls: all personal calls, that is, the Direct Calls row and the Queue Calls row

    • Queue Calls: all queue calls

    • Direct Calls: all personal calls

    • E-Mails: all e-mail messages

    • Chat Requests: all chat requests

For details about the statistics, see Dashboard Statistics Description.

For information about how to use the view, see Viewing Daily Statistics in Dashboard.