Using Scripts in OB Call Campaigns


Scripts are optional manuscripts for campaign calls; they may include information on how to handle customers during the call, and guidance on how to enter the results to the system in an appropriate way.


  1. Choose the Open Script button, or the Script tab.

    The script may open automatically when a call starts; that is defined in campaign settings.

  2. If the call is unsuccessful, to terminate the script without saving the changes, choose the Close and End Wrap-Up buttons to take the next call.

  3. If the call is successful, follow the script, and enter the answers according to the customer answers. To move back and forth in the script, choose the browsing buttons Previous and Next.

  4. To finish the call, choose the Hang Up button.

  5. If needed, go to the beginning of the script, and check the answers.

  6. Choose Save.

  7. To take the next call, choose End Wrap-Up.

Special Functions

Script may include some special functions:

  • A question may be defined to be mandatory. You cannot continue until you have defined an answer to such a question.

  • A chosen answer option may start recording the call. Recording stops when the call is ended.