Joining In and Leaving Campaigns

Note: You do not need to join or leave the campaign, if it is configured so that you receive Outbound campaign calls from an inbound call queue. For more information, see Receiving OB Calls from Inbound Queues.

In other campaigns, do the following:

  1. Click the OB Campaigns tab and choose the campaign from the list.

  2. Click Join Campaign.

    When you are in an active campaign, note the following:

    • Hunt group queue calls are not shown.

    • The answer information popup is not available.

    • Call history in Tools > Calls and the missed call counter is not updated.

    • Queue logon is disabled unless administrators have configured the system so that you are able to receive queue calls also during OB campaigns.

Leaving Campaigns

Choose the Leave Campaign button. The button is enabled only after selecting the call result before choosing End Wrap-Up, as the new call is allocated immediately after that.

If the campaign is configured so that selecting the call result ends wrapping as well, start a pause with an absence profile, and then choose the Leave Campaign button.


In campaigns, where the predictive (Sytel) dialer is used, the Leave Campaign button may be disabled after all campaign calls are done. This happens if any redials are scheduled. Either wait until the redials are carried out as well, or choose File > Reload to enable the button.