Receiving OB Calls from Inbound Queues

You can receive Outbound campaign calls from an inbound queue when the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • Administrators have configured the campaign with the QueueDialer dialer type, and with an inbound queue.
  • You are logged on to CDT. Campaign calls cannot be received to MTD terminals, nor as an external agent.
  • You are logged on to the inbound call queue that is defined for the campaign.

You do not need to join the campaign. When the call is allocated to you the OB tab opens automatically. Either preview and progressive mode calls can be offered.


Pause and Leave Campaign buttons are not enabled:
  • To pause, select an appropriate absence profile.
  • Joining and leaving the campaign is not possible but camapaign calls are allocated from the queue as long as there are calls available, or agents to take them.
Added in 1705.