Wrapping-Up OB Campaign Calls


In wrap-up you typically define call results and add possible redial requests. You can also update customer information, or scripts. Contact your supervisor for more instructions how to do and end wrap-up in your campaign.


Defining Call Result

The Call Result list is shown after the call has ended. Call results define if the customers are considered handled (for example with results Successful or Refusal) or are they called again during this campaign (for example call results Busy or No Answer).

  1. Click the Call Result list.

  2. Choose an appropriate call result. The following options are the default ones, administrators may have modified the list:

    • Successful: Transaction with the customer was successful.

    • Refusal: Customer refused the offer.

    • Redial: Agent agreed to call back to the customer. This option makes automatically a redial request, the redialing time and agent are defined in campaign settings.

    • Wrong Person: Wrong person answered the phone.

    • Wrong Number: The number was incorrect.

    • Hang-Up: Customer hang up.

    • Busy

    • No Answer

    • Fax

    • Modem

    • Answering Machine

    • Automated Attendant: Some other kind of machine, for example IVR, answered the call.

    • Unknown: The reason why the call was unsuccessful is unknown.

    • Instant Retry: Calls the customer anew immediately.

Automatic Classification

Administrators can define that in certain cases the call result is chosen automatically (for example when the call status is Busy or No Answer). The user interface displays you a notification informing you about the automatic classification. When the call result is chosen, the system allocates you a new call.

Adding Redial Requests

To add a redial request automatically, choose the call result Redial or Instant Retry.

To make a redial request manually, follow the procedure below:

  1. Choose the Add Redial button.

  2. Enter the redialing date, or choose it from the pop-up calendar.

  3. Choose the time from the drop-down menus.

  4. Choose whether you want the request to be personal (offered only to you at the defined time), or common (offered to any agent who is free at that time).

  5. Optionally, enter free-form notes to the Remarks field.

  6. Choose the Save button to save the redial request.

Ending Wrap-Up

Choose the End Wrap-Up button, or the wrap-up ends automatically after call result is chosen.


After the wrap-up is ended, a new call is allocated, and having a pause or leaving the campaign is disabled.