Calling Customers in OB Call Campaigns


In a call campaign, predefined outbound calls are allocated to agents, and normal CDT calling functions are disabled.


Calling depends on the dialing mode that is used in the campaign:


How to Call


  1. View the customer information.

  2. Choose the number from the Number list. Optionally, you can enter the number in the field B Number.

  3. Choose the End Preview or Call button, or press F1. You will hear the dialling tone before the customer answers.

As of SP10, it is possible that your administrator has defined the Maximum Preview Time. In that case a counter that shows the remaining preview time in seconds appears in the title bar. The preview ends automatically after the defined time, or you can end the defined preview manually with the End Preview or Call button.


The software calls the customer for you. Answer the phone when it rings. You will hear the dialling tone before the customer answers.


The software allocates you a call that the customer has answered. Answer the phone when it rings. No dialling tone.

Reject or Skip Customers

If allowed in campaign settings (related buttons are enabled), you can skip or reject the customer that is allocated to you. Skipping means that you do not call the customer, but the customer remains in the campaign call list. Rejecting means that the customer is not contacted at all during the campaign.

Ending Calls

Choose the Hang Up button, or press F2.