ClientCOM Component Log

ClientCOM ActiveX component MCTABUF writes log of the ClientCOM interface implementation process, the log file contains messages (commands and events) between ClientCOM servers and clients. The file name is MCTABUFN.TXT where N is a number from 0 to 7. The log files are saved for a week, then the next file with same number replaces the previous one.

The beginning of the log file contains the executable path, version and date. Log entries have the following syntax:

  • hh:mm:ss

  • Current thread id in hex.

  • Time difference from previous log line, in milliseconds or mm:ss or hhHmm or ddd D.

  • Sender of the message.

  • Message type:

    • _CMD => Event

    • _EVT => Command

    The types are really that way as they are named from the CEM point of view.

  • Receiver of the message

  • Colon (:)

  • _CMD or _EVT contents (QueStats, CLIENT_REMOVED)

  • The number of messages in receiver queue.

  • The actual message.

There can also be Initialize and Destroy lines, where there are no sender or receiver, instead they tell when a client or server has initialized itself with MCTABUFF, and when the connection has been deleted.