Viewing Missed, Answered, and Dialed Calls

You use this procedure to view your call history in Tools > Calls.

As of the version SP08, it is no longer possible to delete calls in this view.


To view the history of all your contacts (e-mails, calls, and chats), see the History tab page.

  1. To view your recent missed, answered and dialed calls, choose Tools > Calls.
  2. To move to another tab page, click the tab.

    You can also use Ctrl and the left and right arrow keys to change the tab page view.

  3. To make an outbound call, click a row and the Call button.
  4. To move a number to the destination field, double-click the number row.
  5. To listen to recording of the call, click the icon at the beginning of row.

    The icon is enabled when the call has been recorded. If you have rights to listen to recorded calls, use the player with standard media player controls and symbols for listening the recording as well as adjusting its volume.

    The audio settings which are described in Configuring Audio Settings do not affect this integrated media player module you use for listening recorded calls and voicemail messages.

    If your operating system is Microsoft Windows XP, problems may occur when you change the default audio device in the operating system settings. You may need to restart your workstation. Contact the administrator for further information.