Queue Lists

The master queue list on the Queues tab page in the Contact Center view displays all queues for which you have rights. You can display up to 10 active queues (or five queues with the smaller resolution value) in the contact view by selecting the checkboxes in the Queue List column. The selected queues are also displayed in the master queue list.

You can hide the queue list in the contact view by clicking the dynamic arrow button that appears when you place your cursor on the upper left corner of the contact list.

Figure 1. Hide and Show Queue List

Queue Information

As of 1608, administrators can configure queue threshold values for longest queueing time, number of queueing contacts, serving agents, and free agents. Note that the pending e-mails list still shows e-mail specific levels.

The queue list is updated every 10 seconds, and it displays the following information:

Figure 2. Queue Information





Queue logon

The checkbox is for logging on to and logging off from queues.


Queue name

This column displays the name of the queue, and if the queue mode is hunt group, the Hunt Group icon is showed with the queue name.

Colors in the queue names are used to indicate the queue type:

  • Dark blue is for normal phone queues

  • Green is for manager queues in the manager’s queue list

  • Dark red is for the manager queue in the assistant’s queue list

  • Dark yellow is for e-mail and chat queues


The number of contacts in the queue

This dynamic field shows the current number of queueing items.

Administrators define the static queue capacity, that is, the queue size. Background colors indicate the following:

  • Green

    There is at least one contact in the queue.

  • Yellow

    Over half of the queue capacity has been used.

  • Red

    The queue is full.


Longest queueing time

This dynamic field is for showing the longest queueing time.

Administrators define the critical time value for the queue. The time is displayed in the format mm:ss but if the waiting time exceeds an hour, the information is show in the format hh:mm:ss.

Background colors indicate the following:

  • Green

    Normal value

  • Yellow

    The value is over half of the static critical time value.

  • Red

    The value exceeds the static critical time value.


If e-mails arrive when the queue is closed, the number of contacts in the queue column shows them for 2 minutes and the longest queueing time is calculated for the time they are shown as waiting contacts.


Agents serving in the queue

This dynamic field is for showing the current number of serving agents:

  • Green

    The number of agents is higher than warning level value

  • Yellow

    The number of agents is below the warning level value

  • Red

    The number of agents is below the critical level value


Free agents

This dynamic field is for showing the number of agents free to take queue contacts:

  • No color

    No free agents

  • Green

    The number of agents is below warning level value

  • Yellow

    The number of agents exceeds the warning level value

  • Red

    The number of agents exceeds the critical level value

When you place the cursor on any field, a tooltip displays additional information (including the extension number or address related to the queue, the optional search group, and the optional greeting in the informative popup window).

Administrators can hide the queue information (columns 3 and 4) in SC > User and Role Management > Users/User Settings Template > Contact Settings > Show Queue Information. They can also hide the agent information (columns 5 and 6) in SC > User and Role Management > Users/User Settings Template > CDT Contact Center > Hide Agent Information.