Outbound Campaign - Classifier and Agent Classifier Results

The classifier reports provide statistical information of the campaign script answers. There are 3 reports (annual, monthly, and daily) by time and campaign, without agent information, and another 3 grouped by time, campaign, and agent. The reports are based on the data in the cube CubCSSContacts.

The Classifier Reports are grouped by time unit – Campaign NameAgent Name.

To filter data displayed in the report, define filters above the report:

Table 1. Filters

Filter Parameter



Choose one of the years/months/days available in the time dimension. The default value is defined by the day previous to the current day.


Choose the campaign.


There is no default value. The report is not shown until a campaign has been selected.

Call Result

Choose the call results of your interest. The default value is All.


Choose the group whose information you are interested in. The default value is All.

Customer Result

Choose the customer result of interest. The default value is All.

The report includes reporting data for the following items:

Table 2. Report Column Descriptions

Column type



Campaign Information


Choose the time period of your interest.

Campaign Name

Name of the Outbound call campaign


Agent name

Customers (Total)

Total number of customers

The number may change during the campaign.

Number of Allocated Customers

Number of customers that are allocated for the specified agent

Call Results

Customer Result

Technical call result

Name of Call Result

Call result as it is shown in end-user application user interface


Number of defined call results


Percent of each call result per agent of all call results