Directory Details and Conversations

This view shows information about the person, company or queue selected in the Directory view. The directory attributes shown and how they are grouped are defined by administrators in System Configurator Directory Management.

Information that appears as smart links*, provide the following functions:
  • To make a phone call, click the phone number.

  • To make a mobile call or send a message, click the mobile number.

  • To send an email, click the email address.

  • To send a message to a conversational messaging app, click the ID. ID fields for these apps are only available if your administrator has configured them.

*If the setting Hide Name in Addresses and Last Digits of Phone Numbers is System Configurator is in use, smart links are not available.

You need rights to a relevant queue for each of the above.


By scrolling down the view or minimizing the Detailed View, you will see the latest 500 conversations of the person or queue you are viewing. The conversations' information is same as in the History view.
To see conversations, you need the authorization for Statistics Summary of the data you want to view. Contact your administrator, they can set the user rights in System Configurator.