Conditional IVR


A conditional IVR can be used to handle situations where more calls are arriving than can be handled in a queue. The IVR makes a queue query and treats the incoming call accordingly.

In the following instructions, the Example_IVR_Conditional is used, you can edit it according to your needs, or create a totally new one using it as a model.


In this example:

  1. The call comes to an IVR that checks if there are more calls waiting than is defined to be the maximum number of waiting calls in a queue at a moment.

  2. If less calls are waiting than the set limit, the call is transferred to the destination queue (the default queue).

  3. If more calls are waiting than the set limit for the default queue, the destination queue number is changed to be the overflow queue’s number.

This is just one example, other queue queries and destinations can be used as well. For example, you can make an IVR where you query estimated waiting time or number of free agents, and instead of an overflow queue, you can transfer the call to another IVR, or just play an appropriate prompt.


The example uses the following definitions:

  • The limit for the number of calls is defined with the parameter MaxCallsInQueue in Custom Parameters.

  • Variable DefaultQueue is used in queue query: the situation is checked in the queue defined by this variable.

  • Variable DestinationQueue is used in the call transfer: the call is transferred to the queue defined by this variable. By default, its value is the default queue, but when the number of calls exceeds the set limit, overflow queue number is taken into use.


Edit the Example_IVR_Conditional at least in the following way.

  1. On the System Configurator main screen, choose IVR Management > Custom IVRs > Add New.

  2. In the Basics view, enter appropriate name and description.

  3. In the IVR Numbers view, enter the appropriate IVR number.

  4. To import the example file, click Import in the IVR Application Versions view, and choose Example_Conditional_IVR.xml. Save your entries.

  5. To set the limit, enter the parameter MaxCallsInQueue and its limit value in the Custom Parameters view. Click Save in upper left corner of the view, the parameter is available for IVR editing only after it is saved.

  6. To start the IVR Editor, double-click a version or click the Add New button in the IVR Application Versions.

    • Choose the var element DefaultQueue, and replace the text default queue number in the Initial Value Expression field with a real default queue number of your system. Click Save.

    • Choose the form F1 > block > if > assign element, and replace the text overflow queue number in the Value Expression field with a real overflow queue number of your system. Click Save.

  7. Click Save and Close in the upper left corner of the view.

  8. To activate the IVR application:

    • Select the Active checkbox in the Basics block.

    • Choose the right version of your IVR application, and click Activate.