Handling Attachments


To browse for a folder to save e-mail attachments, make sure that the IE setting Allow active content to run in files on My Computer in Tools > Internet options > Advanced > Security is enabled. For information about the IE settings, see Internet Explorer Settings.


  • When the user interface size is 800 x 600, the buttons for attachments are not shown. To handle the attachments, use the keyboard shortcuts described below.

  • In systems where e-mails are sent via OII interface, for example in SAP CRM integrations, you can use only the attachments where the file type is defined with 3 characters. If a file with a 4-digit extension is sent the last digit is removed, for example .docx is changed to .doc. To send other than 3-digit file types in OII environment, zip them before attaching.

Adding Attachments to Your Reply

  1. Click the Attachments button.

    A dialog window opens.

  2. Browse for the correct attachment and choose it.

    Your attachments are added to the Reply Attachments field.

  3. To delete an attachment in Reply Attachments, select it and either click the Delete button or press Delete on your keyboard.

  4. To open an attachment in Reply Attachments, either double-click the attachment or select it and press ENTER.

    A dialog window appears and you can either open the attachment or save it.

Handling Received Attachments

  1. Choose the attachment in Customer Attachments.

  2. Click the Open button, double-click the attachment, or select it and press ENTER.

    A dialog window appears and you can either open the attachment or save it.

  3. To copy customer attachments to Reply Attachments, click the Copy all to reply attachments button or press Ctrl and double-click an attachment.

    All attachments are copied to Reply Attachments.

    Added in SP04.

Unless you copy the customer attachments to your reply attachments, the customer attachments are not send back to the customer in your reply e-mail.


If you have received embedded images in the e-mail and you want to add them to your reply, click the Copy all to reply attachments button. Added in SP08.

Handling Several Attachments

To save, open, or delete several attachments at the same time, do the following:

  1. Hold down Shift or Ctrl and simultaneously click the attachments you want to select, or use the key combination Ctrl + A to select all.

  2. To remove the selected attachments, click the Delete button or press Delete on your keyboard.

    This only applies to reply attachments.

  3. To save or open the selected attachments, click the Open button or press ENTER.

    When you save attachments, CDT remembers the last saved location but the location is reset when you open a new e-mail.

Added in SP08.